Welcome and Thanks

June 13, 2010 - On this hot and humid Sunday morning I got an email saying "your flight to Da Nang is delayed, sorry for the inconvenience." I started thinking of all the "inconveniences" on this trip, and in my life, and the opportunities they had led me to, and thought "I wish I could share this with someone!" So here I am, sitting in a coffee shop, on a hot (and did I mention humid!) afternoon in Saigon starting a blog (it's my fourth time here on this trip, so I've kinda seen the sights already....).

So, I don't promise this will have perfect grammar (my grammar actually sucks!), and I don't promise it will always be entertaining (for anyone other than me ;o), or that I will update it as frequently as I am planning to right now - but I want to thank you for reading and welcome you to my memories blog....

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The week this all started... (Part 3)

Saturday through Sunday

Saturday, June 12th

Bye Christina! Have a safe trip, and don't worry about Uni, you're english is great and you'll be fine. I prepare for my 13 hour bus ride to Saigon. I was able to sleep most of the time Phnom Penh. Uneventful trip. Change buses. Don't want to take out more money to just buy food. It's ok... I'll just eat this bread and fruit. Uneventful boarder crossing.... uneventful arrival in Saigon. I try to stay awake to watch the US v. UK game. BlackBerry messaging with my lil sis who explains the game to me (since I am once again watching it in Vietnamese and don't understand what's going on). UK - 1, US - 0. I wonder if it's in English on ESPN? Flipping through channels. Lil sis sends me a bbm "Did you see that?!" No!!! What did I miss?? The US goal... of coarse. Fell asleep during the second half. Mexico v. South Africa was a much better match.

Sunday, June 13th

Suppose to fly out today to Hoi An, but Tiffany told me that they were going to Nha Trang instead. Ok... I'll try to change my flight - it got delayed anyways, so they should change it. Unfortunately, as the customer service agent proceeded to tell me, JetStar doesn't fly to Nha Trang. Ok, they refund me my money. I get on line to book my ticket on another airline, only to find out that I need 36 hours prior to flight to book. I am NOT spending more time in Saigon than I have to! I've seen everything there is to see. Oh, I wanted to ride the train. So I have to leave at 4:45 AM because the train leaves at 5:30 AM. It's ok.... it'll be a nice ride.

After realizing my coincidences, and thinking about the adventures and great things I have seen because of my "inconveniences," I realize that I am a pretty lucky person. I have seen some amazing things because of my inconveniences and I need to write my crazy stories down :o) So here I am.... typing away. I spent my afternoon at coffee shops typing this up, getting a pedicure and my nails painted, walking around Saigon, watching older people working out in the park, couples holding hands, and a lot of white men with asian women (....I wonder if they are legit of if that's more "sex-tourism"). After a long day of doing nothing (which felt nice...), I laid down to try to get some sleep.

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